The SpineCentral Academy was created by Dr Richard Gliddon, the founding chiropractor of SpineCentral Ltd. 

Dr Gliddon is passionate about all things health realted and especially in helping others to realise their full health potential. Chiropractic care can play an invaluable roll in achieving this, yet there is no escaping the fact that as human beings we are products of our lifestyle. Meaning that all of the 1000's of seeminly insignicant choices that we make each day add up to create an overall environment in which the cells of our body operate in. Therefore there are no consequence free choices since our cells respond to their immediate environment. We are either moving towards or away from health, meaning that if we make good choices, our cells will reach a state of homeostasis or balance and be healthy. If we make poor choices we drive them into a state of dis-ease where they are forced to adapt to these stressful conditions. This moves you away from health. 

This means that the level of health you will attain is in direct relatoinship to the quality of teh lifestyle that you lead. Fortunately there is a strong science to the art of healthy living and the SpineCentral Academy has been created to help you understand and apply this science so that you and your family can benefit from the most precious gift of all: a lifetime fo heath. 


Love, Light & Liberation,


Dr Richard Gliddon